Did you know that you may be eligible for a free one-on-one medication review with your pharmacist as part of the Medication Review program?

medication review at home or LTC in Burlington with Walkers Medical Pharmacy

Medication Review at YOUR HOME or LTC

The MedsCheck program is created to serve patients with the following criteria:
  • Anyone who takes three or more prescription medications for an ongoing, chronic condition
  • Anyone diagnosed with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes (even if you are not taking diabetes medication)
  • Any resident of a long-term care home

These meetings are for patients taking three or more chronic prescription medications who cannot make it to a pharmacy. A pharmacist will visit your home to talk to you about your medications and answer your questions. The pharmacist can also help clean up your medicine cabinet and remove unused or old medication.

Please call us to check with your pharmacist if you are eligible for MedsCheck Program or visit Ontario Drug Benefit Program ODB for more information.

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